Game description

Roultaboul is the first game I created. I was in my last year of my 2-year undergrad diploma in IT when I created this game with my friend Max Cabourg, for the PXL Lan (where you can find a summary (in French) of the convention at this link). The game was created for the Young Creators contest for Octobre Numérique.

With its simple gameplay, its basic graphics, I think it is one of my best games, simple, replayable and no fuss. I did the gameplay part following an official tutorial from Unity, and some levels.

Screenshots of the game

One of the most popular levels at the PXL Lan.A small slope before the big jump.Roadway to the end.

Minimum requirements

OS Windows XP or later
Processor Pentium 4
Graphic card Integrated graphics card
HDD Space 70 Mo free space

Download links

You can download the game only for Windows, or you can play it online (requires the Unity Web Plugin).

Download the game Play game online

How to play ?

When you will be on the main menu, click on "Commencer" to start the game. The blue text will explain how to play. To complete a level, you must collect all the cubes. And falling into the water makes you restart the level.

Additional informations

The game is in French, but you do not need to understand French to enjoy it, just follow the instructions above. It is also my first game, but I decided to create a sequel (see Roultaboul 2 project) to see how the game would be with more experience.