In this section, I will reveal some information about myself, as for example more information about my education or software I use.
My Education
I will explain (more precisely than my resume) that I learned and where I learned it, with their following websites.
- 2016-2018 : University of Science and Technology Montpellier 2 : Master's Degree IMAGINA (IMAges, Games and INtelligent Agents)
The diploma where I currently am. However, you can have a summary of this formation here: Summary of Master's Degree (in French)
- 2015-2016 : University of the West of Scotland: Bachelor's Degree in Computer Games Development Year 3
During this year in Scotland, I learned the basis of creating video games, and I made a first impression with personal and school projects about the video games' working sector. I did this formation with the ERASMUS's program.
What I learned/improved in this formation:
- C#, C++, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- Unity3D, GameMaker Studio, Phaser
- Windows Phone 8.1 SDK
- "Mapping" with Source Engine of Valve
- 2013-2015 : IUT Aix-Marseille Site d'Arles: 2-year undergrade diploma in IT (DUT)
Website : Site web de l'IUT
With this diploma, I started software development and creating video games in 2014. Mostly of my skills on my resume are from this diploma.
What I learned in this formation:
- C++, Java, HTML, CSS (+ SQL, PHP)
- OpenGL, OpenSceneGraph, 3DS Max Studio
- Creating networks and Network maintenance
- C# et Unity3D by self-learning
- Lua et TeX in my internship at the end of the diploma.