Battleship is a mobile web application of the table top game Battleship. This software was an assignment, created with another student in Advanced Programming for Mobiles Devices for my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Games Development at the University of the West Of Scotland. It was made with Phaser. The app is optimised for mobile supports, and it uses JQuery Mobile library and also Firebase for online interactions.
Go to Create a game and fill out the form. Then you will be redirected to the game screen where you can put your boats while waiting your opponent.
Go to Join a game and check the list of available rooms. Copy the name of the room you want to join, then put your boats on the grid.
Once the game starts, when it will be your turn, chose the box where you want to shoot. If you hit a boat, you will have a notification under the grid, and you will see a green circle on this box. Otherwise, you will have a red circle. You can shoot once on a box. The game ends when one player sinks all opponents' ships.
Play the gameThis game/software was done in less than five weeks, so some functions are missing, like the tutorial or play against an IA. Furthermore, the game may have bugs and synchronising problems (we did not have enough time to fix it, you have the project has it was given to the University).